Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can't see eye to eye

Dear Lady Down the Street,
Hello.  We don’t really know each other.  But I can tell you are full of yourself.  You walk about the neighborhood as if you own the place, nose in the air, chatting with only the chosen few.  I am not one of those people so to me you have spoken maybe 3 words.  You certainly don’t talk to me at parties.  In fact you look right through me all the while being loud and obnoxious with your inner circle.  I would not mind chatting with you when I see you but I can’t bring myself to do it, you see I am shy.  I am not sure what I did, but have resigned myself to not even being neighborly with you.   
-Lady Up the Street-

Dear Lady Up the Street,
Hello.  We don’t really know each other.  But I know you don’t like me.  I walk by your house on nice days, admiring that pretty tree in your front yard, the one that has the robin’s nest in it, but you never talk to me.  I usually cross the street to talk to others.  I tried talking with you once or twice but it is awkward for some reason.  Sometimes I see you at parties but I have friends with whom I feel comfortable and so I generally stick with them, you see I am shy.  I am not sure what I did, but have resigned myself to not even being neighborly with you. 
-Lady Down the Street-